Research Topics
My research interests lie at the intersection of
human-centered artificial intelligence,
health informatics,
social computing,
and accessibility & aging.
My research aimed to support individuals
with special needs (e.g., older adults with diabetes, vloggers with visual
impairments, North Korean defectors with depression, Timebank members) through
design and engineering across multiple domains: health, social media,
sharing economy, and education.
I am pursing research in the combinations of the following directions:
International Journals
Chun M, Yu H-J, Jung H. (2024).
A Deep Learning-Based Rotten Food Recognition App for Older Adults: Development and Usability Study.
JMIR Formative Research. July 2024.
(Corresponding author)
[SCOPUS] [pubmed]
Lee H, Oh S, Han J, Jung H. (2024).
Creating a bias-free dataset with food delivery app reviews under data poisoning attack.
Data in Brief. June 2024.
(Corresponding author)
[SCOPUS] [pubmed]
Lee J, Gwak S, Gwon J, Park J, Eom S, Hong S, Ku G, Lee W, Jung H. (2023).
Exploring the community of older adult viewers on YouTube.
Universal Access in the Information Society. November 2023.
(Corresponding author)
Park S, Lee H, Kwon M, Jung H, Jung H. (2023).
Understanding Experiences of Older Adults in Virtual Reality Environments with a Subway Fire Disaster Scenario.
Universal Access in the Information Society. August 2023.
(Corresponding author)
Na S, Park S, Jun J, Jeong H, Yoo T, Chun M, Lee H, Lee H, Jung H. (2023).
SUV: Students’ Understanding Visualizer to Support Instructors in Synchronous Online Lectures.
IEEE Access. August 2023.
(Corresponding author)
[SCIE] [ieee explore]
Jung J, Lee H, Jung H, Kim H. (2023).
Essential properties and explanation effectiveness of explainable artificial intelligence in healthcare: A systematic review.
Heliyon. May 2023.
[SCIE] [pubmed]
Chun M, Jeong H, Lee H, Yoo T, Jung H. (2022).
Development of Korean Food Image Classification Model Using Public Food Image Dataset and Deep Learning Methods.
IEEE Access. December 2022.
(Corresponding author)
[SCIE] [ieee explore]
Peltonen LM, Nibber R, Block L, Ronquillo C,
Perezmitre EL, Lewis A, Alhuwail D, Ali S, Georgsson M,
Jeon E, Tayaben JL, Lee YL, Kuo CH, Shu SH,
Hsu H, Sommer J, Sarmiento RFR, Jung H,
Eler GJ, Badger MK, Zhao R, Zhou T, Deforest H, Atique S, Topaz M, Pruinelli L. (2021).
Nursing Informatics Research Trends: Findings from an International Survey.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 2021 Dec 15;284:344-349, December 2021. [pubmed]
Park S, Jung H, Choi J, Jun J, Chun M, Jung H. (2021).
Exploring the Experiences of Student Volunteer and Student Volunteer Chair Communities at Academic Conferences.
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 5(CSCW2), 1-23. October 2021. [acm dl]
(Corresponding author)
(BKCSA040: BK21 Conference IF=3)
Jun J, Seo W, Park J, Park S, Jung H. (2021).
Exploring the Experiences of Streamers with Visual Impairments.
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 5(CSCW2), 1-23. October 2021. [acm dl]
(Corresponding author)
(BKCSA040: BK21 Conference IF=3)
Na S, Jung H. (2021).
Exploring University Instructors’ Challenges in Online Teaching and
Design Opportunities during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review.
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research. October 2021.
(Corresponding author)
[SCOPUS] [url]
Jung H, Demiris G, Tarczy-Hornoch P, Zachry M. (2021).
A Novel Food Record App for Dietary Assessments Among Older Adults
With Type 2 Diabetes: Development and Usability Study.
JMIR Formative Research. February 2021.
(Corresponding author)
[ESCI] [pubmed]
Seo W, Jung H. (2021).
Challenges and Opportunities to Improve the Accessibility of
YouTube for People with Visual Impairments as Content Creators.
Universal Access in the Information Society. February 2021.
(Corresponding author)
Seo W, Jung H. (2020).
Understanding the Community of Blind or Visually Impaired Vloggers on YouTube.
Universal Access in the Information Society. January 2020.
(Corresponding author)
[SSCI] [url]
Peltonen LM, Pruinelli L, Ronquillo C, Raji N, Lozarda Peresmitre E, Lorraine B, Topaz M, Haley D, Lewis A, Alhuwail D, Ali S, Badger MK, Eler GJ, Georgsson M, Islam T, Jeon E, Jung H, Kuo C, Sarmiento RF, Sommer J, Tayaben JL. (2019).
The Current State of Nursing Informatics: An International Cross-sectional Survey.
Finnish Journal of eHealth and eWelfare. 2019 May 5;11(3):220-31, May 2019. [url]
Han K, Jung H, Jang J, Lee D. (2018).
Understanding Users Privacy Attitudes through Subjective and Objective Assessments: An Instagram Case Study.
IEEE Computer. 51(6):18-28, June 2018. [SCIE] [ieee explore]
Peltonen LM, Alhuwail D, Ali S, Badger MK, Eler GJ, Georgsson M, Islam T, Jeon E, Jung H, Kuo CH, Lewis A, Pruinelli L, Ronquillo C, Sarmiento RF, Sommer J, Tayaben JL, Topaz M. (2016).
Current Trends in Nursing Informatics: Results of an International Survey.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 2016;225:938-9, Geneva, Switzerland, June 2016. [pubmed]
Peltonen LM, Topaz M, Ronquillo C, Pruinelli L, Sarmiento RF, Badger MK, Ali S, Lewis A, Georgsson M, Jeon E, Tayaben JL, Kuo CH, Islam T, Sommer J, Jung H, Eler GJ, Alhuwail D. (2016).
Nursing Informatics Research Priorities for the Future: Recommendations from an International Survey.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 2016;225:222-6, Geneva, Switzerland, June 2016. [pubmed]
(Nominated for the best scientific paper top ten award list)
Topaz M, Ronquillo C, Peltonen LM, Pruinelli L, Sarmiento RF, Badger MK, Ali S, Lewis A, Georgsson M, Jeon E, Tayaben JL, Kuo CH, Islam T, Sommer J, Jung H, Eler GJ, Alhuwail D. (2016).
Advancing Nursing Informatics in the Next Decade: Recommendations from an International Survey.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 2016;225:123-7, Geneva, Switzerland, June 2016. [pubmed]
Cohen R, Jung H, Fleming M, Cheng MYK. (2011).
A User Modeling Approach for Reasoning about Interaction Sensitive to Bother and Its Application to Hospital Decision Scenarios.
Special Issue on Personalization in e-Health User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction (UMUAI): Volume 21, Issue 4 (2011), pp. 441-484, January 2011.
(Corresponding author) [SCIE] [url]
International Conferences
Park S, Jung H, Ryskeldiev B,
Lee J, Lee G, Jeong H, Chun M, Teramoto K. (2024).
Toward Closed-Domain Conversational Item Listing Assistant for Improvement of Experiences of Older Adults in Customer-to-Customer (C2C) Marketplaces.
In Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS'24). St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, October 2024. [Accepted]
Moon Y, Lee H, Oh S, Jung H. (2024).
SaGol: Using MiniGPT-4 to Generate Alt Text for Improving Image Accessibility.
In Proceedings of the Thirty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'24). Seogwipo, Korea, August 2024.
Jung H, Seo W, Song S, Na S. (2023).
Toward Value Scenario Generation Through Large Language Models.
In Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW'23). Minneapolis, MN, USA, October 2023.
Yoo T, Lee H, Oh S, Kwon H, Jung H. (2023).
Visualizing the Carbon Intensity of Machine Learning Inference for Image Analysis on TensorFlow Hub.
In Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW'23). Minneapolis, MN, USA, October 2023.
Oh S, Lee H, Han J, Jung H. (2023).
Toward Model Selection Through Measuring Dataset Similarity on TensorFlow Hub.
In ICML 2023 Workshop Artificial Intelligence and Human-Computer Interaction (ICML'23 AI&HCI). Honolulu, HI, USA, July 2023.
Lee H, Oh S, Han J, Jung H. (2023).
Creating a Bias-Free Dataset of Food Delivery App Reviews with Data Poisoning Attacks.
In ICML 2023 Workshop Artificial Intelligence and Human-Computer Interaction (ICML'23 AI&HCI). Honolulu, HI, USA, July 2023.
Jeong H, Chun M, Lee H, Oh S, Jung H. (2023).
WATAA: Web Alternative Text Authoring Assistant for Improving Web Content Accessibility.
In Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI'23). ACM, Sydney, Australia, March 2023.
[acm dl]
(BKCSA076: BK21 Conference IF=2)
Lee H, Chun M, Jung H. (2023).
PORDE: Explaining Data Poisoning Attacks Through Visual Analytics with Food Delivery App Reviews.
In Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI'23). ACM, Sydney, Australia, March 2023.
[acm dl]
(BKCSA076: BK21 Conference IF=2)
Lee W, Chun M, Jeong H, Jung H. (2023).
Toward Keyword Generation through Large Language Models.
In Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI'23). ACM, Sydney, Australia, March 2023.
[acm dl]
(BKCSA076: BK21 Conference IF=2)
Jeong H, Chun M, Jung H. (2023).
Toward Interactive Machine Learning Through Visualizing Predictions of Data Instances.
In AMIA 2023 Informatics Summit. American Medical Informatics Association, March 2023.
Yoo T, Chun M, Bae Y, Kwon W, Jung H. (2022).
Exploring the Community of Model Publishers on TensorFlow Hub.
In Companion of the 2017 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW ’22 Companion).
ACM, Virtual Event, Taiwan. [acm dl]
(BKCSA040: BK21 Conference IF=3)
Seo W, Jun J, Chun M, Jeong H, Na S, Cho W, Kim S, Jung H. (2022).
Toward an AI-assisted Assessment Tool to Support Online Art Therapy Practices: A Pilot Study.
In Proceedings of 20th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW’22).
Coimbra, Portugal. [eusset dl]
Jung H, Lee H, Jung J, Kim H. (2022).
Creating an Explainable Artificial Intelligence Framework to Increase Nurses’ Confidence in an Interhospital Transfer Scenario.
In Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence 2022 Workshop: Trustworthy AI for Healthcare.
Virtual Event, Vancouver, Canada, March 2022. [poster]
Chun M, Gwak S, Jung H. (2021).
CO-ALERT: A Tool for Personalizing COVID-19 Emergency Alert Messages to Support Older Adults.
In Proceedings of the Asian CHI Symposium (AsianCHI'21).
ACM, Zoom, May 2021.
[acm dl]
Jeong H, Jung H. (2021).
MonoPass: A Password Manager
without Master Password Authentication.
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI'21). ACM, Zoom, April 2021.
[acm dl]
(BKCSA076: BK21 Conference IF=2)
Yoo T, Jeong H, Lee D, Jung H. (2021).
LectYS: A System for Summarizing Lecture Videos on YouTube.
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI'21). ACM, Zoom, April 2021.
[acm dl]
(BKCSA076: BK21 Conference IF=2)
Park S, Kim G, Jung H. (2020).
Challenges and Opportunities for Accessible Seoul Metropolitan Buses:
an Interview Study of People with Visual Impairments.
In Proceedings of the Asian CHI Symposium 2020 (AsianCHI'20).
ACM, Zoom, April 2020.
[acm dl]
Lee W, Kwon M, Hyun Y, Lee J, Gwon J, Jung H. (2020).
Uncovering CHI Reviewers Needs and Barriers.
In Proceedings of the Asian CHI Symposium 2020 (AsianCHI'20). ACM, Zoom, April 2020.
[acm dl]
Lee J, Kim J, Jung H. (2020).
Challenges and Design Opportunities for Easy, Economical, and Accessible Offline Shoppers with Visual Impairments.
In Proceedings of the Asian CHI Symposium 2020 (AsianCHI'20).
ACM, Zoom, April 2020.
[acm dl]
Kwon M, Lee J, Lee W, Jung H. (2020).
BYE-TAL: Designing a Smartphone App for Sustainable Self-Healthcare through a Design Thinking Process.
In Proceedings of the Asian CHI Symposium 2020 (AsianCHI'20).
ACM, Zoom, April 2020.
[acm dl]
Gwon J, Kwon M, Jung H. (2020).
Analyzing Bias of Comments on Political News Articles to Facilitate Transparent Online Communities.
In Proceedings of the Asian CHI Symposium 2020 (AsianCHI'20).
ACM, Zoom, April 2020.
[acm dl]
Seo M, Lee H, Choi S, Jo S, Jung H, Park S, Jung H. (2019).
Exploring Experiences of Virtual Reality among Young and Older Adults in a
Subway Fire Scenario: a Pilot Study.
In 25th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST'19),
ACM, Sydney, Australia, November 2019.
[acm dl]
(BKCSA136: BK21 Conference IF=1)
Yoo T, Jung H. (2019).
Category Classification of Educational Videos on YouTube through Machine Learning Approaches using Video Titles.
In proceedings of the 2019 US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship (UKC), Chicago, IL, USA, August 2019. [poster]
Bae Y, Jung H. (2019).
A Prototype of Non-smoking Aid Application Based on Features and User Interfaces to Support People with Low Vision.
In proceedings of the 2019 US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship (UKC), Chicago, IL, USA, August 2019. [poster]
Seo M, Jung H. (2019).
A Study on the Utilization and Module Configuration Diagram of the User Path in Virtual Reality Using Unity.
In proceedings of the 2019 US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship (UKC), Chicago, IL, USA, August 2019. [poster]
Lee J, Park G, Jung H. (2019).
SEEjang: Smart, Easy, and Economical Offline Shopping Assist App Development through a Design Thinking Process.
In Proceedings of the 17th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys'19). ACM, Seoul, Korea, June 2019. [video] (BKCSA043: BK21 Conference IF=3)
Jung H, Jung H. (2019).
Evaluation of Mobile Applications for Disaster Responses through Personas and Scenarios.
In Proceedings of the Asian CHI Symposium: Emerging HCI Research Collection at CHI'19. ACM, Glasgow, UK, May 2019.
Kwon K, Jung H. (2018).
Opportunities to Reduce Lung Cancer Disparities Among African Americans through Informatics: A Systematic Review.
In Proceedings of the American Public Health Association (APHA) 2018 Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, November 2018. [url]
Seo W, Jung H. (2018).
Understanding Blind or Visually Impaired People on YouTube through Qualitative
Analysis of Videos.
In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive
Experiences for TV and Online Video. ACM, Seoul, Korea,
June 2018. [acm dl]
Seo W, Jung H. (2017).
Exploring the Community of Blind or Visually Impaired People on YouTube.
In Proceedings of the 19th International ACM
SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS ’17). ACM, Baltimore, MD, USA, 371-2. [acm dl]
Jung H, Seo W, Cha M. (2017).
Personas and Scenarios to Design Technologies for North Korean Defectors with Depression.
In Companion of the 2017 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW ’17 Companion). ACM, Portland, OR, USA, 215-8. [acm dl]
(BKCSA040: BK21 Conference IF=3)
Abdulwahhab O, Jung H. (2017).
Designing Community of Practice Systems: a Value Sensitive Approach.
In the IEEE International Conference on Informatics, Health, & Technology, pp. 1-7, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, February 2017. [ieee xplore]
Jung H, Law A, Grunblatt E, Wang LL, Kusano A, Mejino Jr. JLV, Whipple ME. (2016).
Development of a Novel Markov Chain Model for the Prediction of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Dissemination.
In AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings. American Medical Informatics Association, 2016 Nov;2016:1832-39, Chicago, IL, November 2016. [pubmed]
Topaz M, Ronquillo C, Peltonen LM, Pruinelli L, Sarmiento RF, Badger MK, Ali S, Lewis A, Georgsson M, Jeon E, Tayaben JL, Kuo CH, Islam T, Sommer JA, Jung H, Eler GJ, Alhuwail D, Le YL. (2016).
Nurse Informaticians Report Low Satisfaction and Multi-level Concerns with Electronic Health Records: Results from an International Survey.
In AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings. American Medical Informatics Association, 2016 Nov;2016:2016-25, Chicago, IL, November 2016. [pubmed]
(Nominated for the best paper)
Jung H, Law A, Wu E, Whipple ME. (2016).
Coordinated Markov Modeling of Cancer Metastasis from Multiple Primary Site.
In Proceedings of the Conference of the Asia Pacific Association for Medical Informatics, Seoul, Korea, November 2016. [url]
Jung H, Lee J. (2016).
Development of a Medication Information Generator System for Older Adults.
In Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on
Healthcare Informatics, Chicago, IL, October 2016. [ieee xplore]
Lee S, Jung H. (2016).
Mutiv: Music-based Mobile Application to Support Joggers.
In Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics, Chicago, IL, October 2016. [ieee xplore]
Law AB, Jung H, Wang LL, Kusano A, Whipple ME. (2016).
A Model of Regional Tumor Metastasis of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Tongue.
In Proceedings of the American Head and Neck Society (AHNS) 9th International Conference on Head and Neck Cancer, Seattle, WA, July 2016. [url]
Jung H, Bellotti V, Doryab A, Leitersdorf D, Chen J, Hanrahan B, Lee S,
Turner D, Dey A, Carroll JM. (2016).
‘MASTerful’ Matchmaking in Service Transactions: Inferred Abilities, Needs and Interests versus Activity Histories.
In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing
Systems (pp. 1644-1655). ACM, San Jose, CA, May 2016. [acm dl] [video]
(Acceptance Rate 23%, BKCSA003: BK21 Conference IF=4)
Wang LL, Grunblatt E, Jung H, Kalet IJ, Whipple ME. (2015).
Biological Model Development as an Opportunity to Provide Content Auditing for the Foundational Model of Anatomy Ontology.
In AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings. American Medical Informatics Association. 2015 Nov 5;2015:2111-20, San Francisco, CA, November 2015. [pubmed]
Jung H, Hong SR, Meas P, Zachry M. (2015).
Designing Tools to Support Advanced Users in New Forms of Social Media Interaction.
In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual International Conference on the Design of Communication (p. 34). ACM, Limerick, Ireland, July 2015. [acm dl]
Stephens KA, Lee ES, Estiri H, Jung H. (2015).
Examining Researcher Needs and Barriers for using Electronic Health Data for Translational Research.
In AMIA Joint Summits Translational Science Proceedings. American Medical Informatics Association. 2015 Mar 25;2015:168-72, San Francisco, CA, March 2015. [pubmed]
Estiri H, Chan YF, Baldwin LM, Jung H, Cole A, Stephens KA. (2015).
Visualizing Anomalies in Electronic Health Record Data: The Variability Explorer Tool.
In AMIA Joint Summits Translational Science Proceedings. American Medical Informatics Association. 2015 Mar 25;2015:56-60, San Francisco, CA, March 2015. [pubmed]
Jung H, Lee ES, Estiri H, Stephens KA. (2014).
Interactive Demographic Visualization of Multiple Facilities across Time.
In Proceedings of the 2014 Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare (VAHC), Washington, D.C., November 2014. [url]
Jung H, Lau J. (2010).
Task-Decomposing Anonymous Crowds.
In Proceedings of the 2013 US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship (UKC), East Rutherford, New Jersey, August 2013.
Jung H, Cohen R. (2010).
A Model for Reasoning about Interaction with Users in Dynamic, Time Critical Environments for the Application of Hospital Decision Making.
In Proceedings of the 23rd Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI10), pp. 319-323, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, May 2010. [acm dl]
Jung H. (2010).
Reasoning about Interaction for Hospital Decision Making
In Proceedings of the 23rd Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI10) Graduate Students Symposium, pp. 414-415, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, May 2010. [acm dl]
Domestic Journal
Lee H, Chun M, Jeong H, Jung H. (2022).
Toward Fairness in Artificial Intelligence: Uncovering Food Delivery App Reviews with Poisoning Attacks.
Communications of the Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers. December 2022.
(Corresponding author)
Domestic Conferences
Lee S, Lee H, Jung H. (2023).
Link-it!: Designing an App Managing Website Links Through a Design Thinking Process.
In proceedings of the HCI Korea 2023, Gangwon-do, February 2023. [dbpia]
Chun M, Jung H. (2022).
Development and Heuristic Evaluation of Rotten Food Recognition App User Interface for Older Adults.
In proceedings of Korea Software Congress 2022 (KSC'22), Jeju, Korea,
December 2022. [dbpia]
Jeong H, Chun M, Jung H. (2022).
Comparison of the Probability Distribution of Two Labels Through Visual Analytics of a Multiclass Classification Model.
In proceedings of Korea Software Congress 2022 (KSC'22), Jeju, Korea,
December 2022. [dbpia]
Lee H, Jung H. (2022).
System for Analyzing Bias of Data to Develop Artificial Intelligence Models: a Case Study of Food Delivery App Reviews.
In proceedings of Korea Software Congress 2022 (KSC'22), Jeju, Korea,
December 2022. [dbpia]
Lee H, Jung H. (2022).
Auto Labeling Restaurant Notices of Delivery Applications using Text Classification Model.
In proceedings of Korea Computer Congress 2022 (KCC'22), Seogwipo, Korea, June 2022. [dbpia]
Chun M, Jung H. (2022).
Development of Visual Analytics Tool for Explaining Data Characteristics and Model Performance Indicators.
In proceedings of Korea Computer Congress 2022 (KCC'22), Seogwipo, Korea, June 2022. [dbpia]
Jeong H, Kim Y, Jung H. (2022).
Designing a Trip-plan Sharing App Through a Design Thinking Process.
In proceedings of the HCI Korea 2022, Zoom, February 2023. [dbpia]
Lee H, Jung H, Jung J, Kim H. (2021).
An Explainable AI Tool to Support Decision-making in an Emergency
Patients Transfer Request Scenario. In proceedings
of the Korean Society of Medical Informatics 2021 (KOSMI'21), Yongin, Korea, November 2021.
Chun M*, Gwak S*, Jung H. (2021).
A Study on Utilizing COVID-19 Emergency Notification
through a Design Thinking Process.
In proceedings of the HCI Korea 2021, Zoom, January 2021. (*co-first authors)
Kang S, Song Y, Hu H, Jung H. (2021).
Bounce: Designing an EKG Monitoring Application using
a Wearable Sensor through a Design Thinking Process.
In proceedings of the HCI Korea 2021, Zoom, January 2021.
Lee W, Jung H. (2020).
DALT: Deep Learning Assisted Labeling Task.
To appear at the 2020 Summer Conference of the Korea Multimedia Society (KMMS), Jeju, Koera, August 2020.
Jung H, Jung H, Jung J, Jang S, Jeong S, Jung H. (2019). Sympathy: Development and Evaluation of a Mobile Application and a Doll to Support Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression. In proceedings of the Korean Society of Medical Informatics 2019, Seoul, Korea, July 2019.
Shin H, Park G, Jung H, Kwon H. (2019). Design of Cohort Analysis System for Colon Cancer Patients based on the Combination of Environmental Factor. In proceedings of Korea Computer Congress 2019 (KCC'19), Seogwipo, Korea, June 2019.
Lee J, Park G, Jung H. (2019). Development and Usability Study of an Offline Shopping Assist App through Design Thinking Process. In proceedings of Korea Computer Congress 2019 (KCC'19), Seogwipo, Korea, June 2019.
Yoo T, Jung H. (2019). Category Classification of Educational Videos on YouTube through Machine Learning Approaches. In proceedings of Korea Computer Congress 2019 (KCC'19), Seogwipo, Korea, June 2019.
Ko Y, Jung H, Oh U. (2019). Analysis of Conflicts in Romantic Relationships on Mobile Messengers. In Proceedings of HCI Korea 2019, Seogwipo, Korea, February 2019.
Jeon H, Jung H. (2019). Designing a Crime Rate-based Recommended Routes Guidance Application. In Proceedings of HCI Korea 2019, Seogwipo, Korea, February 2019.
Yoo T, Jung H. (2019). Needs Analysis Based on Vlogging Career. In Proceedings of HCI Korea 2019, Seogwipo, Korea, February 2019.
Bae Y, Jung H. (2019). A Study on the Analysis of Personas and Scenarios for Earthquake Avoidance in School. In Proceedings of HCI Korea 2019, Seogwipo, Korea, February 2019.
Jung H. (2017).
Creating a Smartphone Application for Image-assisted Dietary Assessment among Older Adults with Type 2 Diabetes.
PhD thesis, University of Washington, December 2017.
Jung H. (2010).
Reasoning about Benefits and Costs of Interaction with Users in Real-time Decision Making Environments with Application to Healthcare Scenarios.
Master's thesis, University of Waterloo, August 2010. [url]